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(319) 364-6592 | 6621 C Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 |
Dr. Ray A. L. Coleman, Jr. - Senior Pastor

Welcome to The Rebuilding Place
Come get Refresh, Renew, Restore, Rebuild, Rebuke, Reclaim, Reconcile, Recoup, Recreate, Redeem, Reactivate, Realign, Reaffirm, Reassure, Recharge, Re-consecrate, Reconfirm, Redefine, Refill, Refine, Reestablish, Reenergize, Re-equip, Reevaluate, Reexamine, Reinvent, Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Reinvigorate, Repair, Reroute, Remodel, Reunite, Reuse, Rededicate, Reveal, Re-anoint, Reappoint and Receive all GOD has for you!!
More Than a Church
On Behalf of the entire Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church Family we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to you for stopping by to visit our web site. Out of all the web sites you could have visited today you choose ours.
It is the prayer of the saints and the purpose of the Savior that your visit here with us brought about Vision, Victory and Vitality in your life. If you are looking for a church home and live or visiting the surrounding areas of Cedar Rapids, Iowa let Mt. Zion be a stop in your schedule.
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